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Victim advocates are trained professionals that assist and support victims of crime. The primary role of the advocate is to provide emotional support and assistance to the victim during the criminal justice process, while ensuring that the victims’ voice is heard. The advocate serves as a liaison between the victim and the prosecutor throughout the criminal justice process. Advocates provide a wide range of services during the criminal process, including but not limited to:
- Informing victims of their rights
- Explaining court processes and roles of other parties
- Obtaining victim input regarding the case
- Accompanying victims to court
- Notifying victims of upcoming hearings, proceedings and case outcomes
- Providing referrals to services
- Assisting with filing claims for restitution and victim compensation
- Facilitating the use of a Court Facility Dog to provide comfort and support throughout the process
- Assisting with filing Injunctions Against Harassment or Orders of Protection
The Pinal County Attorney’s Office has taken a very strong position on victims’ rights and is constantly seeking ways to improve the services we provide to crime victims. All victims of crime should be treated with fairness, respect, and dignity. As such, we have created a survey Victim Satisfaction Survey geared toward your experience with our Victim Advocates and Court Facility Dog team. Responses are utilized to improve processes, the services we provide, and to recognize those employees who perform above and beyond expectations. We also use this information for grant reporting purposes and responses can determine whether we will receive future funding. If you have any additional comments regarding the Victim Services Division, please provide those in the Comments section at the bottom of the survey.
If you have questions regarding your rights as a victim, notifications, case processing or need assistance with referrals for services please contact your advocate at 1(800)208-6897 ext 6813 or (520) 866-6813. For more information regarding advocate communication refer to ARS 13-4430 & 8-409.