June Citizens Academy Now Full

FLORENCE, AZ (May 31, 2022) - The next Citizens Academy hosted by the Pinal County Attorney's Office is now full.

The Citizens Academy set for Saturday, June 11th, has reached capacity and is no longer taking registrations. Additional interested parties may be contacted about an opening if any current scheduled attendees cancel or can't make it.

The Pinal County Attorney's Office Citizens Academy launched in February, with a full class that provided positive feedback. Several tweaks have been made to the single-day event to maximize the experience for those who attend.

The Citizens Academy is an opportunity for community members to get an in-depth look at the criminal prosecution process. Those who attend the class have the opportunity to review the evidence and discuss several cases prosecuted by PCAO, sit in on a presentation by senior PCAO staff who detail their bureau's role, use a shooting simulator to better understand dangerous situations facing law enforcement and also tour the county jail. The Citizens Academy runs from 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., includes lunch and plenty of opportunity for Q & A.

The goal is host at least one more Citizens Academy in 2022.

If you would like to join the WAITING LIST for the next Citizens Academy, email Public Information Office Mike Pelton at Michael.Pelton@Pinal.Gov.

[pdf-embedder url="https://pinalcountyattorney.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Orange-Building-Photo-Job-Fair-Flyer-6.pdf" title="Orange Building Photo Job Fair Flyer (6)"]
